
EKS Lens: Revolutionize Your Kubernetes Cost Management
Join Craig Lowell from DoiT as he introduces the latest product releases for DoiT Cloud Navigator, aimed at enhancing your cloud management and FinOps practices.

EKS Lens is a dashboard tool designed to help users manage and understand their Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) costs within AWS by integrating Kubernetes metrics with AWS billing data. It simplifies mapping Kubernetes costs to business initiatives, enhancing FinOps practices. EKS Lens features seven reports to analyze costs across different dimensions such as clusters and namespaces and offers customizable analytics for deeper insights.

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4 Responses

  1. ec2 instance connect appears to be locked down to SSH and RDP protocols (ports 22 and 3389 only), meaning you can’t use it for databases in the way this post suggests. You still need to ssh to some instance then connect to the DB from there – the advantage is you don’t need to expose that ec2 instance publicly.

    If you go through the above guide, you’ll just get the following error:

    awscli.customizations.ec2instanceconnect.websocket – ERROR – {“ErrorCode”:”InvalidParameter”,”Message”:”The specified RemotePort is not valid. Specify either 22 or 3389 as the RemotePort and retry your request.”}

    did you actually try the above out successfully?

    also discussed here:

  2. ec2 instance connect appears to be locked down to SSH and RDP protocols (ports 22 and 3389 only), meaning you can’t use it for databases in the way this post suggests. You still need to ssh to some instance then connect to the DB from there. If you go through the above guide, you’ll just get the following error: awscli.customizations.ec2instanceconnect.websocket – ERROR – {“ErrorCode”:”InvalidParameter”,”Message”:”The specified RemotePort is not valid. Specify either 22 or 3389 as the RemotePort and retry your request.”} did you actually try the above out successfully? also discussed here:

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