Data and Analytics with AWS

Build AWS-powered data lakes that blend proven data and analytics approaches to gain deeper insights.

Trusted by thousands of cloud-driven organizations

Data and analytics with AWS and DoiT

AWS delivers an integrated suite of services that provides everything needed to quickly and easily build and manage a data lake for analytics. DoiT will help you to design and build AWS-powered data lakes that can handle the scale, agility and flexibility required to combine different types of data and analytics approaches and gain the kind of insights you could never get from traditional data silos and data warehouses.

The first step to building data lakes on AWS is to move your data to the cloud. The physical limitations of bandwidth and transfer speeds restrict the ability to move data without major disruption, high costs and considerable delay. To make data transfer easy and flexible, AWS provides a wide range of options to transfer data to the cloud.

DoiT has deep expertise and official partner competencies for data and analytics with AWS. Partner with us to plan and architect a big data process on AWS.

ā€œThe AWS cloud provides many of the building blocks required to help Voyager Labs implement a secure, flexible and cost-effective data collection, storage and analytics platform.ā€

Chen Goldberg

Production Operation Architect & Cloud Optimization Officer

Understanding data and analytics on AWS

AWS offers a wide range of analytics services to fit the data analytics requirements of any business, allowing companies of all sizes and across any industry to reignite their business using data. Whether you need to move or store your data, create data lakes, analyze big data or perform any other function related to data and analytics, AWS delivers the kind of tailored services that offer excellent cost-efficiency and scalability. 

AWS-powered data lakes are underpinned by Amazon S3, an AWS object storage service that manages the scale, agility, and flexibility needed to blend disparate data and analytics approaches. If you use AWS to build and store your data lakes, you will achieve far more insightful results than you would with conventional data silos and data warehouses.

AWS analytics services are designed to help you generate data insights at speed using the best tool for the specific use case. They deliver optimal performance, scale and cost for your particular requirements.

To learn more about how DoiT can help with your AWS data and analytics usage, click to get in touch.

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