Case Study

How PerimeterX cut response times by 40% with Google Cloud

Perimeter X

North America, USA
United States
Data Analytics, Kubernetes

Meet PerimeterX

PerimeterX wanted to better ensure peak performance for its SaaS service to provide a best in class real-time security solution. Moving from a multi-cloud approach, the company looked to consolidate its service on the fastest cloud provider possible.

The challenge

PerimeterX and DoiT International combined Premium Tier Networking on Compute Engine with Cloud Load Balancing to cut response times by 20 percent to 40 percent. With BigQuery as an IaaS data warehouse to support the backend, PerimeterX has now moved all of its infrastructure to Google Cloud Platform.

The solution

By taking advantage of granular pricing, it can optimize cost-efficiency and determine where measures including Preemptible VMs can create savings. Now PerimeterX is exploring Cloud Dataflow stream processing and using Google Kubernetes Engine in the CI/CD pipeline to further speed development.

The result

By working with DoiT International to leverage Google Cloud Platform, PerimeterX was able to:

– Pinpoint cost-efficiencies with granular Google Cloud pricing.
– Explore new, innovative approaches working closely with Google product teams.
– Manage a scalable and elastic data warehouse (EDW) without having to build it out themselves.

Elad Amit, Director of Platform Development, PerimeterX
“We wanted to see how much we could optimize the speed of our SaaS solution. Most cloud vendors directed us to their SLAs and left it at that, but Google’s networking team jumped at the chance to explore new approaches. Working together, we cut response times by 20 percent to 40 percent.”

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