
Sunday App: Simplifying the Google Cloud ecosystem with DoiT

A good meal out with friends is one of life’s great pleasures. Sunday wants to make it even better. With the aid of a QR code, diners can use a smartphone to access Sunday’s platform and pay their bill in as little as 10 seconds DoiT’s partnership with Sunday has focused on strategy and cost optimization, which has helped the company stay lean and nimble in challenging times. The Sunday platform has been continuously optimized and improved with DoiT’s help over the last twelve months. With Google Kubernetes Engine at its heart for enhanced scalability, the company uses BigQuery, Cloud SQL and Pub/Sub for its data and messaging services.

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4 Responses

  1. ec2 instance connect appears to be locked down to SSH and RDP protocols (ports 22 and 3389 only), meaning you can’t use it for databases in the way this post suggests. You still need to ssh to some instance then connect to the DB from there – the advantage is you don’t need to expose that ec2 instance publicly.

    If you go through the above guide, you’ll just get the following error:

    awscli.customizations.ec2instanceconnect.websocket – ERROR – {“ErrorCode”:”InvalidParameter”,”Message”:”The specified RemotePort is not valid. Specify either 22 or 3389 as the RemotePort and retry your request.”}

    did you actually try the above out successfully?

    also discussed here:

  2. ec2 instance connect appears to be locked down to SSH and RDP protocols (ports 22 and 3389 only), meaning you can’t use it for databases in the way this post suggests. You still need to ssh to some instance then connect to the DB from there. If you go through the above guide, you’ll just get the following error: awscli.customizations.ec2instanceconnect.websocket – ERROR – {“ErrorCode”:”InvalidParameter”,”Message”:”The specified RemotePort is not valid. Specify either 22 or 3389 as the RemotePort and retry your request.”} did you actually try the above out successfully? also discussed here:

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